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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New Workouts - Trying Out The BodyRock Challenge

A few months ago I stumbled across a fitness blog after finding a recipe for Portobello Mushroom Pizzas. I had added the recipe to my Pinterest board, but couldn't for the life of me remember that I had done this. The website/blog was really amazing. I was kind of overwhelmed the first time I looked at it. There is just so much information. Then last week I stumbled across the website and found that starting early January they began a 30 day fitness challenge. They have HIIT workouts everyday. The longest workout being about 12 minutes. If you don't know what HIIT is and what it can do for your workouts read this article. So, yesterday I decided to give the 30 day fitness challenge a go. It starts off with a FIT test. Think Presidential Challenge in elementary school. You are timed and you do as many reps of an exercise that you can in that time. Then you track your marks and at the end of the challenge do the FIT test again to see how far you've come.

So, what website am I talking about? It's called BodyRock.tv. You must check it out, you may be overwhelmed and I suggest just following it for a few weeks and then jumping on board.

Here is Week 1, Day 1 FIT Test:
This workout consists of using an interval timer and setting it to 7 rounds with :50 work and :10 rest. If you don't own an interval timer, but you have a smart phone I suggest you download the Nike Boom app. You can set up interval workouts on this app and it will beep at each change. The reasons these workouts are so amazing is you don't really need any equipment. You could do this in your house if you wanted. Next you complete the following workouts doing one each round and jot down your scores. Note: my scores are below.

Squat Jumps - 22
Push-Ups (on toes) - 20
Burpees - 12
High Knees (every time a foot touches) - 100
Switch Lunges (every time a leg switches) - 21
Tuck Jumps - 20
Sit-Ups (straight abs) - 20

After this workout I went on to do my circuit training and a bit of cardio. I did hamstrings, quads and triceps with 30 minutes on the Arc Trainer. The FIT test only took 7 minutes and I needed more even though my heart was racing.

Today I'm doing Week 1, Day 2 at BodyRock. I'll let you know how it goes!

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